Bowden Club Rules

General Coarse fishing rules

Updated 2024

Membership ticket to be visible at all times by anyone fishing (no exceptions).

Club members only, NO day tickets. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult

Barbless or Micro barbed hooks only.

All fish caught must be returned to the water alive and well.

Fishing at one peg only.

Rods not to be left unattended

Sensible use of bait.

All litter MUST be taken home, anyone found to be leaving litter will leave the club.

A Suitably large landing net must be available before rods are cast out. (We recommend a minimum 36” for Carp or Pike Fishing or at least a large DEEP spoon such as Greys Free Flow Specialist 26/28” nets.

We expect anyone fishing for Carp or Pike to use appropriate equipment for the task, fish safety is paramount.

A suitable unhooking mat must be available and used at all times when Pike or Carp Fishing.

carp first aid spray or similar antiseptic (Bonjela is also a good alternative) must be used to treat all hook holds, fin damage and other obvious sores/injuries on any fish present.

No fixed rigs, lead must be able to break free by  using safe rigs.  If unsure ask for advice

Maximum 3 rods permitted but we expect anyone to reduce rods in the water if/when it gets hectic.

Keepnets are not allowed.

No braided mainline, except marker/spod rods, braided hook lengths allowed.

No nuts allowed of any type (unless from a reputable bait supplier)

Scotts Coarse Angling Club Logo

Pike fishing rules

Season closed from 15th March to 31st May.

Semi barbed hooks only. Max size 8 trebles

Bite alarms and hangers to be used for bite indication

Maximum 2 rods permitted.

No rods to be left unattended.

No fixed rigs (free running rigs only).

Minimum wire traces breaking strain 20lbs and minimum length 12 inches.

Pike to be handled and returned with care.

The committee reserve the right to carry out spot checks on club members or guests tackle to ensure they are observing the rules. Those who persist in breaking the rules will be asked to leave and barred from the club.


Anyone caught removing fish will be prosecuted.